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Contractors and Manufacturers in the Aerospace Industry Get Set for More Production with Process Piping in a More ‘Green Environment’

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Air Traffic Control

These days, like other industries in the manufacturing sector, the aerospace and aviation industries are taking off. Manufacturing production related to aerospace and aviation is on the rise, too. In the news, we’re hearing about aircraft back orders, increased production needs related to aerospace equipment, and so much more. Overall, the U.S. economy and the manufacturing sector will continue to grow well into the future as we recover from recession, according to recent data that shows rising numbers for all key indicators.

We’re ready to do our part in the manufacturing and industry take-off! At Base Construction, we have experience working with manufacturers and other contractors who have projects and clients who are either directly or indirectly involved in the aerospace industry. We design and build process piping systems. We set furnaces and all types of equipment for all types of industries, including aerospace industry components.

In fact, we recently worked with a company that needed compressed air and compressed nitrogen, and we did the piping for them. Specifically, they needed argon line compressed air and a deionized (DI) water line, which we readily provided. This specific manufacturer, involved in the aerospace industry, also needed P&ID – piping and instrumentation drawing services. Process piping design is our specialty at Base Construction, including piping layout, routing creation, revision and installation.

At the same time as they’re ramping up production, many manufacturers are also striving to be “more green” at their facilities right now. But some manufacturers are finding the process of “going green” to be a little overwhelming, according to “Is It Time to Go Green…,” a recent article on

We think “going green” should NOT be a stressful process. In fact, we know it doesn’t have to be stressful because we’ve done it before. Our advice: You need to tap into the experience and know-how of an industrial contractor who has helped other manufacturers be “more green.” (If you’re feeling “overwhelmed” at all, we’d be happy to talk with you about how, as an industrial contractor, we’ve helped many of our clients get set for more production and to also establish a “more green” environment at their facilities.)

One way to be “more green” is to install equipment that focuses on more natural processes to adhere to environmental regulations. We’ve done this type of work for our clients, installing equipment with sustainability and environmental friendliness in mind. For instance, a recent example of this would be our work with an aerospace company that needed a chemical processing piping system. The process piping system included an oil separator to prevent water and oil from getting mixed. We installed the equipment to lean the water to separate it, and this has contributed to the “green environment” at the company’s facilities and save them money by not having to dispose additional waste!.

One more note about “green manufacturing,” since we’re on the topic: Energy recovery is also a helpful, environmentally friendly step some manufacturers are investing in now – but others are overlooking this opportunity. Through energy recovery, manufacturers are being more green within their operations, and they’re also saving on operations costs. Here’s how this works: Manufacturers recover energy by installing new equipment that recovers heat from hot water that would normally evaporate and be wasted. The energy is captured by the equipment, and then it’s used to run other equipment within their operations and/or preheat process help them save energy!

Whether we do the energy-recovery equipment installation ourselves, or as subcontractors working with our clients, at Base Construction, we’re happy to see business and industry in the manufacturing sector “taking off” – and also being “more green”!

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